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Meet the new intelligent society

Release time:2021-06-04 18:27:26  Views: 1531

At present, the progress of science and technology has been promoting the development of society, and the insatiable demand of human beings for material constantly promotes the progress of science and technology. Every great technological change will push the society to a new stage of development.

Sociologists divide the development of human society into primitive society, agricultural society and industrial society. The development of society is accelerating, and human society is entering the next stage of development, that is, intelligent society.

As the Internet, driverless, 3D printing and other intelligent technologies gradually mature, the outline of the intelligent society has been more and more clearly presented in front of us.

In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence and robot has attracted more and more attention. According to China social science network, on March 15th, 2017, at the in-depth thinking forum held by Antai School of economics and management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, centering on the topic of "how to live harmoniously with robots in the future intelligent society", Shi Zhanzhong, Professor of Antai School of economics and management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said that throughout the history of human development, the development history of machines is that robots replace human resources Improving efficiency is the trend of the times. With the rapid growth of artificial cost, the wide application trend of robots has become irreversible. Human needs to establish a social organization structure of joint cooperation and define the social role of artificial intelligence and robot clearly, so as to realize the harmony between human and robot in the future intelligent society.


 Shi Zhanzhong believes that robots have been widely used in modern society, from dangerous or heavy physical environment robots to service robots, and then to robots in the entertainment field, which have brought great changes to human life. The advantages of robots are obvious. With the continuous increase of labor costs and the continuous reduction of machine costs, robots can not only reduce the manufacturing costs of enterprises on a large scale, but also face extremely complex and dangerous working environment.


In the future intelligent society, it is necessary to establish a social organization structure in which human and robot work together. Robots can help human beings create a lot of material wealth in a large number of industrial fields and simple service fields, while human beings can engage in fields that robots can't, play their own spirituality and creativity, engage in more creative work, and create more spiritual wealth.


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